Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Learning something new...

I am learning something new ... after all these months of boring self analysis and search for things that makes me happy, I have taken up a new course on lay counseling. I am attending counseling classes. Its for non-psychiatry background and pamphlet says it helps us know ourselves better, have harmony with people around, help people in need by becoming volunteers or lay counselors. Though the course doesn't make us professional counselors, I think it helps us understand the actions and reactions of people & self better...

I am done with 3 classes already. First class was taken by Mr. Dilip Patel who explained the framework of the course and do's & dont's. Second class was taken by Dr. Vijay Kumar who gave us overview of brain and its functions that would help us understand few problems we might come across, when we get into counseling people. He suggested a book - "Phantoms in the brain" by V.S. Ramachandran. I have bought the book and yet to read. 3rd class was by Prof. Vijayambika who gave us the importance of having "doses of Psychology" in everyone's life. So far, so good. I loved to make a career in Psychology which didn't materialze due to various reasons. "Why do people behave the way they do.." is the question I have always thought about. If this course can help me get the answers to those questions or at least show me the path, it would be wonderful. What say?